uniform simplicity
customized kits
One strategy can open up many options. The right strategy will open up the best options.
Ok, in a real game of chess, nobody is going to hand over their queen so that you can do a 4-way fork, but you get the point!
Versatility for web research is not just about having many ways to stow tabs or bookmarks, and to access them again… its about more options for working with your research findings, the treasures you have uncovered. A full hierarchical structure for organizing resources (mirroring the capabilities of a file system) opens up many more options for sharing, utilization and rediscovery.
The Unitraverse Desktop Application (UD App) lets users create custom organizational schemes for their links and documents, and optionally deploy these to various file system locations.
uniform simplicity
customized kits
Power through multi-functional design that combines processes together in one place.
By co-location of bookmarked URLs, documents and other file system resources within a common organizational lattice, the UD App provides efficiency and eliminates wasted time in desktop organization.
This means knowledge workers will be able to open and close intentionally grouped documents and online resources in an effortless way.
Also seen in software in both the adapter and the composite design pattern [Gamma,77], it speaks of how the same process can be used to interact with different types of objects if those objects share the same interface.
Q: Why unite URLs, documents and files together?
A: By allowing URLs and docs and files to be managed in a single interface, the UD App allows you to simplify your life. It allows streamlined handling of resources. Efficiency, speed come about through this more streamlined way to work with your desktop resources.
Both URLs and text files are given first-class status in the UD App.
Tool kits are not only portable, but they give you a single place to go - a one-stop shop - for things relevant to a workflow or situation. They give you everything you need to do a job, in one place.
By allowing you to store links and documents in the same logical location, the UD App gets you off and running faster, making context switches with much less effort, because you have ALL of your organized resource items together... you're packed and ready.
Like the race horses, we go faster when we're not distracted.
Making groups of things appear and disappear, when you need them to, is the key to being focused.
No more of this…
And no more of this...
Instead, you can use the Unitraverse Desktop Application (UD App) to make things vanish and reappear when they are needed!Learn more...
spinning galaxy company icon Unitraverse